Reviews for Movie They Shall Not Grow Old

They Shall Not Grow Old (2018) Poster

ten /x

We DO call back them.

"Trapped in a Charlie Chaplin World". So says manager Peter Jackson in a post-screening discussion with Marker Kermode, describing early on blackness and white documentary footage. Whereas modern film runs at 24 fps, most of the old footage is hand cranked, with speeds as low as 12 fps which leads to its hasty nature. Jackson in this projection with the Imperial State of war Museum took their WW1 footage and put it through a 'pipeline process. This cleaned-upward and restored the original footage; used clever computer interpolation to add together in the missing 6 to 12 frames per second; and then colourised it.

The results are outstanding. Jackson wisely focuses the moving picture on the specific piece of WW1 action from the trenches. And those anonymous figures become real, alive, breathing humans on screen. It is obviously tragic that some (and as commented by Jackson, many in one scene) are not to be breathing humans for much longer.

These furnishings take a while to kick in. The early on scenes in the documentary are in the original black and white, describing the recruitment procedure, and how many of the recruits were under-age. (To explain the varied comments in the film, they should have been 18, although officially shouldn't have been sent overseas until nineteen).

It is when the troops arrive in France that we suddenly become from black-and-white to the fully restored and colourised footage, and information technology is a gasp-inducing moment.

All of the audio commentary is from original BBC recordings of war veterans recounting their actual experiences in the trench. Some sound similar heroes; some audio similar rogues; all came out changed men. Supporting music of WW1 ditties, including the incredibly rude "Mademoiselle from Armentières" over the end credits, is provided by Program 9.

But equally impressive is the dubbing of the characters onscreen. Jackson employed forensic lip-readers to determine what the soldiers on-screen were maxim, and reproduced the speech using appropriate regional accents for the regiments concerned. Jackson also recounts how the words associated with a "pep-talk" spoken communication to troops by an officer he institute on an original sideslip of paper inside the regimental records: outstanding. Added sound effects include real-life shelling by the New Zealand regular army. It all adds to the overall atmosphere of the film.

The moving picture itself is a masterpiece of technical innovation that volition alter in the time to come the way in which nosotros should be able to see this sort of early film footage forever. As a documentary it'southward almost-perfection. But if I accept a criticism of the cinema showing I attended information technology is that the 3D tended to detract rather than add together to the film. Perhaps this is just my eyesight, but 3D always tends to make images slightly more blurry. Where (like "Gravity") there are great 3D furnishings to showcase, it's worth the slight negative to get the massive positive. Only here, at that place was no such do good: 2D would have been improve. For those in the UK (and possibly through other broadcasters worldwide) the film is being shown on BBC2 this evening (11/eleven/18) at nine:30: I will be watching it over again to compare and dissimilarity.

Jackson dedicated the picture to his grandfather. And well-nigh all of us Brits volition have relatives affected past this "state of war to cease all wars". In my case, my grandfather was shot and severely wounded at Leuze Wood on the Somme, lying in the mud for four days and four nights before being recovered... by the Germans! Fortunately he was well-treated and, although dying young, recovered enough to father my father - else I wouldn't be here today writing this. On this Rememberance Sun, 100 years on, information technology is a time for us to truly remember the sacrifice these men and boys gave to what, all in the flick agree, was a pretty obstinate and pointless disharmonize.

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ten /x

An outstanding accomplishment on and so many levels.

It's but October and I take already seen 2 Oscar winning films. This (for best documentary) and A star is Born for loads of things.

Months ago I bought a ticket for this special live (3D) screening of this BFI film from the London Film Festival featuring a post film interview between Peter Jackson (the most modest man in cinema) and Mark Kermode (the most adulatory)

I thought information technology would be special.

It was more than that.

It was a landmark.

It was actually a meaning dark in cinematic history, because what Peter Jackson has accomplished here is unparalleled.

We've all seen colourised war footage. It's interesting, but in reality it's a bit pants.

This is the real deal. A step forward in technology driven past heart, emotion, passion, Dna.

In this truly remarkable documentary Jackson brings the states footage from the WW1 front line trenches in a way that you tin't even begin to imagine.

Outset he restored hours of black and white footage to remove grain, scratches, burn down marks etc.

Then he graded it.

Then he stock-still all the film sprockets so they don't jiggle about and blur.

Then, get this, he turned it all from a hotch-potch of 10/xi/12/14/16 and 17 Frames per second into it all being 24 FPS.

This is not insignificant.

A 17 FPS film transferred to 24 frames needs to 'find' 7 frames. It needs to create them, to fill in the gaps to make moving picture menstruation as we expect. How one does that I have no clue. Frankly, neither does Jackson, merely he knows people who were up to it and evangelize on the claiming.

So, as Jackson puts information technology, we don't run across Charlie Chaplinesque war footage. Nosotros see dignified picture show of soldiers in real time as our eye would compute it. This is of import considering it makes it and then existent.

And then he, frame by frame, colourised the whole lot.

Then he put a squad of lip readers onto it to work out what the soldiers were saying when they spoke to camera (in 1914-18 there was no picture/sound recording).

Then he recorded both battleground sound effects, past enlisting the NZ regular army, and the words these soldiers were saying, through actors, and lip synched and background-noised the whole thing.

And then he launched it.

The man is a genius.

The result is beyond words incredible.

On many occasions I gasped out loud, not least when he moved from the first reel, which shows unmodified footage of the preparation of enlistees for WWI, into the reality of war.

In a stunning coup de theatre the screen changes shape.

The audiences audibly gasps.

Nosotros are in a new reality.

At present, this all makes information technology sound similar this is merely an exercise in technological prove-offery.

No. this focuses on soldiers. Poor. Young. Men.

With terrible teeth, but with opinion, with humour, with nobility, with resolute spirit.

And not just young British men.

Peradventure the most affecting office of this film is where German Pow's muck in and join the Brits. Information technology'south clear that in those days this was duty and honour for 1'south country, absolutely NOT hatred of the enemy.

This is a truly remarkable flick experience.

It's of import.

Find a manner of seeing it.

It's much more than a cinematic landmark.

It's a historical ane, because the legacy Peter Jackson's 14-18-At present and Purple War Museum commission gives the globe is new engineering science that will allow all sorts of ancient film archives to become living history.

In this instance the 100 minutes that are committed to picture are actually backed up by a further 100 hours of monochrome footage that Jackson'southward team has restored (free of charge) for his commissioners.

Meet when international honours are handed out (I recollect Bono has a knighthood for example) Peter Jackson needs to be number one on the list for this existent and important achievement.

I assume a farther Oscar is in the bag.

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10 /ten

From a freelance colourising creative person

As this historically of import anniversary draws to a close, I just want to say that my viewing of this picture show was that of utter amazement. Equally a photo colouriser/restorer, I was absolutely astonished at the piece of work PJ'due south team put into this. The transition from the original film material, and so to the stabilised and corrected FPS and and so the full colour and audio was ane of the most spectacular things I accept ever seen on the screen. The colour is natural and really helps emphasise the grittiness of war and brings out hidden details that may take been missed in the B&W source. Usually I prefer film non to exist tampered with, but as Jackson says, this is how the men saw it - in living color. The addition of the voiceovers from the surviving soldiers themselves is a neat pick and doesn't distract and flows along nicely with the visuals. Throughout I expressed various emotions of sadness and shock, only surprisingly a few laughs, particularly 1 shot showing a soldier banging a melody on some other soldiers helmet as they march. I do wish I had seen this on the big screen and I imagine what I have said is enhanced 100x more with that type of viewing. A fitting tribute to the men that did and didn't come up home and I hope information technology is recognised and picks upwards many awards.

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10 /ten

Mesmerising footage of the Great War.

I needed some time for this to sink in before commenting on information technology. This was equal parts funny, exciting, moving, harrowing, horrifying, upsetting.

Firstly, it's not a sleeky documentary. There are some harrowing scenes in this that will, and should, upset y'all.

The first 25 minutes are of original black and white, speeded up footage with the original voices of troops telling their story over the top of information technology.

So something astonishing happens. The screen widens, the footage smoothes out, the colours shines through and in an instant your and seeing everything in so much more item.

That said this was the first time I've seen footage from The Great War that didn't feel disconnected. It feels real. Seeing the colour on their cheeks and eyes, the dirt, the mud, the blood brings the erstwhile footage to life. Occasionally the colourisation takes on a slightly animated feel just never enough to describe you out of the engrossing scenes laid out before you.

And so the frame rate adjustment is amazing. Having computers generate the missing frames to adjust the variable 15-18fps to the regular 24fps is a visual butter knife that smoothes out the jerky footage.

Having the soldiers talk sounds like a mistake but it'due south done in such a subtle and sensitive manner it never feels faux. They've been lip synced perfectly and plainly even with the correct accent for the infantry units depicted.

This was powerful viewing. Computers and engineering science existence used for something and so important, to permit 100+ twelvemonth old footage to look so mod and yet not experience sanitised is amazing.

This should get compulsory viewing for every one, all schools too.

With footage thats this accessible there'south no reason history should be forgotten.

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x /ten

Should exist mandatory in all highschools/universities/politicians

As well it beingness a incredible feat of cinema that many reviewers take already pointed out.

The message of this Documentary needs to be solidified in every person nether 30s brain and every politician. I went to see this luckily at a small theater. Me and my friend both in our 20's were by far the youngest in the minor oversupply.

Its a very heavy message of responsibly to ones land that is necessary under sure circumstances, nonetheless information technology should be a responsibly that's to exist a avoided at all costs if possible. That we should exercise whatever nosotros can to not forget the atrocities of war and to live in a mode that doesnt foster a scenario of resentment towards our swain human being that could crusade this to happen again. Particularly since modern warfare now includes nuclear arms, this scale of conflict ever again would devastate the entire planet.

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nine /10

Instructive and harrowing

A century later, Peter Jackson produced an informative and fascinating documentary about the Showtime World State of war, seen past the English language, in the trenches of the Bay of Somme, with dusted and colored archive images.

Well-nigh everyone expected a brief and victorious war, which, as information technology was said at the time, would be "over at Christmas". The continuation was very different and became a trench state of war. Hygiene was sorry until it became laughable only the atmosphere within the troops was congenial despite the constantly oppressive atmosphere.

And we besides learn that the English infantrymen regularly had a mission to capture a Fritz. Knowing that from a armed forces strategy point of view, this is a complete nonsense, a war prisoner being systematically an useless and cumbersome dead weight, it is possibly a pity that this documentary does not give to the audition an explicit explanation. And the only rational explanation is probably this 1: to force the English infantrymen to attack the Germans, the prisoner of war beingness the proof of the effectiveness of their attack ...

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10 /10

The most important documentary you'll always see

100 years on from the Not bad War we cannot pretend to know what life was like serving in the trenches. This incredible picture brings u.s.a. as close to experiencing it as we are always going to get.

It is harrowing, it is poignant, it is funny. Above all else this picture show is heartbreaking. No punch is pulled, no attempt is fabricated to hide the brutality of state of war or the hardship of the common soldier.

Quite just this amazing documentary should be made compulsory viewing in all schools and for every soapbox, warmongering politician that would send our youth into hell.

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10 /10

A harrowing new perspective on 'The great War'

I was lucky plenty to handbag a ticket to the one off showing of Peter Jackson's They Shall Non Grow Sometime, having watched a lot of World War One documentaries and fabricated countless visits to historic sites across French republic and Belgium I was slap-up to run across what was existence marketed equally a 'new' perspective on The Smashing War, it did not disappoint. Jackson chose to create a narrow focus narrative for this 1 hour 30 minute documentary to allow the viewer to delve into the fine details ofttimes missed in more sweeping documentaries trying to cover all aspects and areas of the conflict. Jackson chose to look closely at the lives and experiences of British native frontline troops in Belgium. The documentary follows a linear timeline beginning with the breakout of war and the initial volunteering of thousands of young men excited and gear up for an gamble for Rex and Land and ends with the smashing sense of loss and uncertainty of the future the troops had past the stop of the war. The entire documentary is narrated by records of surviving troops recorded in the 60s and 70s, this was an intentional move by Jackson that definitely adds to the ability for the viewer to connect and chronicle to the survivors. I specially institute the stories and anecdotes about the goings on backside the lines during downward fourth dimension and R&R for the troops captivating every bit it is frequently over looked in other documentaries solely concentrating on the combat and horrors of war. The hurting staking endeavour and lengths Jackson and his team went to to restore this footage not simply with color but with frame rate, sharpness and especially audio is jiff taking. Taking the time to have professional lip readers painstakingly review all the footage so let usa to and then know and hear what was existence said truly brought the footage to life. My just upshot with the flick, something that is made note of by Jackson is of course because of the time in history and available cameras there is no actual combat footage available so you do spend a large amount of time just watching still manus drawn cartoons of the battles from the fourth dimension, something that cannot exist avoided but does detract from the immersion the rest of the film creates. I highly recommend this film to everyone, it is important we encounter the truthful perspective of what our ancestors went through and never forget these brave men and women.

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10 /10

This should be compulsory viewing

Anybody over the age of 13 should be fabricated to watch this.

This is simple exceptional work at every level from Peter Jackson and his team.

It showed the pure fragility of life, and how the soldiers dealt with it, mainly with humour and machine gun boiled tea.

Information technology'southward haunting still funny, disturbing yet uplifting. It'due south war. And this is the closest I ever want to come to it.

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9 /10

Giving the Tommies a voice

Jackson's remarkable looking documentary is an amalgam of annal footage (much of it originally staged for the 1916 motion picture 'The Battle of the Somme'), with only a tiny corporeality of actual battle footage given the early nature of film cameras in those days, plus the more moving sight of several of the soldiers staring and smile into camera, and cheers to adept lip-reading, speaking through interpreted voices.

The slowing down to our standard 24fps and calculation of voices is beautifully touching. I personally don't know if information technology was essential to colourise as some of the greys in the originals are withal visible, when uncolourised black and white footage is still simply as immediate (the irony is that then many war films nowadays are drained of colour anyway.) Nevertheless, it is a vivid impression of life on the Western Forepart that Jackson helps to create, and remains refreshingly objective to its time, reflecting the general pro-war feelings at the beginning in 1914, and through advisedly selected testimonies of the many hundreds of soldiers, unfolds the story of a kind of war that had never been seen earlier, or hopefully never will be again. Sadly humanity never learns its lesson, every bit the "war to end all wars" is now better known as World War I - all the more reason for history to remind us.

You lookout this flick, and in some of its more than harrowing scenes you tin can encounter all the visual influence that Jackson drew upon for his Lord of the Rings trilogy. He defended this film to his grandpa who served in the war, and watching information technology , on the day subsequently my ain corking grandfather's birthday (who too served in WWI), it was a idea provoking moment that stayed with me for a few hours afterwards.

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10 /10


Alarm: Spoilers

The story of the Slap-up State of war on the western front is told past way of archive footage and stills to a soundtrack of commentary by veterans.

There have been archive footage documentaries before, but none quite like this. Later 20 minutes of what we have come up to look - monochrome flickery manus-cranked silent footage, scratched, grainy, in iv:3 ratio - the quality of Peter Jackson'due south estoration is revealed as a single shot is transformed earlier our eyes.

I expects the scratches, dirt and streaks to have been removed. But the speed irregularities resulting from hand-cranking simply aren't there, the images are pin-precipitous, and the colorisation is so practiced that you would never imagine that these images were originally blackness and white. The film looks modern and professionally shot.

Where film has been dubbed, this has been carried out with equal intendance: lip-synching is sensitive and authentic. When you take the conversion of a dated original into a apparent gimmicky standard which complements the often devastating but matter-of-fact recollections of 150 men who were in the middle of it, this brings this conflict into focus with more than immediacy than anything I accept seen or heard before.

A remarkable experience.

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7 /x

State of war in all its awfulness.

I was very surprised when I watched "They Shall Not Grow Old" as I think my hopes were set up way too high. Instead of seeing amazingly restored archival footage, the whole thing looked much like colorized WWI documentaries I'd seen on television already. Now I am not saying the movie was bad....just it wasn't the amazingly restored masterpiece I heard it had been. Yes, Peter Jackson and his team did a ton of work on the film and information technology is impressive...but not as impressive as I'd hoped.

As for the motion-picture show itself, it consists of no narration--just snippets from hundreds of different soldiers' accounts of the state of war. Then, it was all strung together with many, many, many brusk snippets. I personally would take probably enjoyed less snippets and more lengthy accounts of the war equally the style film fabricated it seem a bit inclement and disconnected.

Overall, not a bad film at all merely ane that didn't get out me as blown abroad equally I expected from a BAFTA-nominated documentary. Good...not cracking.

Past the way, while sitting and watching all this became a fleck numbing, this would exist a great movie to show at a history museum--perhaps to play equally you lot walked around the museum or perhaps cutting into snippets that play equally you lot walk about the place.

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nine /10

Exemplary war documentary

Warning: Spoilers

Peter Jackson was the driving force behind THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD, a flick which feels new and fresh despite dealing with the well-chronicled Offset World War. Nosotros thought we'd heard all the stories past now, and seen all the old, grainy film clips, just this feature length documentary's genius lies in the restoration of the onetime footage to give it a new, glossy, and, most importantly, total-colour expect. The soundtrack is entirely accompanied by actors reading out various diary entries from Tommies which adds to the experience immeasurably, and the footage itselfs, of huge explosions, of life in the trenches and the battlefields strewn with the gruesome dead, is often breathtaking. A fitting tribute, and so, to those who roughshod, and one which deserves multiple viewings.

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10 /10


Warning: Spoilers

This is an extraordinary film. Like most movies information technology'll pull at your emotions, ane minute y'all're laughing, the next scared, the next the tears will exist welling upward.

Almost of us will have seen grainy footage of WW1. The war started over a 100 years agone, and It'south the age of the footage, and the jerkyness of the speed of the picture that assistance us think of this item war equally a afar non relevant war. This motion picture changes all of that, and helps bring us into the lives of the soldiers that took part.

The flick starts in blackness and white and in a small box in the centre of the screen. As information technology continues the footage gets clearer, and the screen larger until the beginning transition into beautifully clear colour footage that fills the movie theater screen. This showtime transition took my jiff away it is just so good. The motion-picture show gradually draws united states in, until we are right in that location, in the trenches with the British and Germans as they fight each other. We then feel the sight and sounds of this horrendous war in the aforementioned style every bit the participants. You even hear the words they spoke while being filmed, Peter Jackson explaned in the Q&A that he used professional lip readers to find out what was said, and actors synced the words to what was being said on screen.

In that location is no narrator, only yous do hear the voices of those that took part in the state of war who were interviewed in the 1960's and 70's, these snippets are sometimes funny, and one-time heartbreakingly deplorable.

The film draws to an cease by returning to black and white, and as the screen starts to shrink dorsum to the original size, we are slowly taken away from the horrors of the trenches.

This motion-picture show was just brilliant, and lovingly created past Peter Jackson and his team. Our screening was a 1 off, shown at the same time as the premier in London and included an interview with the manager. If y'all do go the chance go and run across in a cinema, you won't be disappointed.

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x /10

Gear up yourself.

Utterly haunting movie of life on the western front end in WW1. Peter Jackson has thrown some serious computer firepower to bring these soldiers back to life.You will accept never seen anything quite similar this earlier.Breathtaking in many parts!

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x /10

A Documentary Masterpiece

This has to be the most technically innovative documentary ever made. Just stunningly put together.

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ten /10

Understated luminescence

My grandfather was a bugler and gassed at Passchendaele. I have merely seen black and white photos of him and he died long subsequently the Great War, but before I was born.

Like nigh British people of my historic period I take a certain paradigm of WW1 influenced by Wilfred Owen and Blackadder. Peter Jackson has washed a truly remarkable thing and transported me back in time. I found myself laughing, feeling sadness and above all a huge sense of identification with the ordinary lads and men who made upward the British forces in this terrible war.

To run across light-green grass, red poppies and ordinary men speaking like I do, but from 100 years ago, was as moving every bit anything I tin can ever recall watching in a motion-picture show. The understated, conversational acknowledgement of the overall sense of anticlimax at the finish of the war was as revelatory every bit it was honest. Information technology spoke more eloquently about the pompousity of politicians and true feelings of the common man than a 1000 poems or polemics e'er could.

The voices I heard and the images of those men volition stay with me. Well done Peter Jackson for creating an instant classic.

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10 /10

An historical archival flick experience

The narrative of the movie existence told exclusively through oral history of soldiers of WWI taken during the 60'due south and 70'southward ensures that information technology had a relevance to today's audience. The masterpiece of the motion picture is the transformation of thirteen-17 frames per second of 1914-18 film to 24 frames per second for today. This, along with the cleaning and digitisation, of the film suddenly brings the movie alive. When colour is added you are virtually there 'at the front'! This can be seen to be the downside of the whole process. In the bringing to life of the onetime films have we made it Hollywoodesque? This is a slight criticism of a picture that enables you to meet the vast waste of life that the war was. Information technology does need to be told every bit it is and so pivotal, socially and politically, to the rest of the twentieth century.

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As an American, Jackson shows me what the Western Globe owes to the British soldier

To be sure, the French solder was dauntless, they faced the onslaught right into their state. The American WWI soldier was competent and the US played an important part in supplying the Allies and so in delivering the message that the Central Powers could not continue. The average German and key powers soldier had no option in the matter. And then, yes, this was a complex state of war like all wars. But there but is no doubt that key factor in saving Europe in this war was the British solder. He was well trained, well equipped, stoically handled the challenges, and fought and won an extremely important war. Nowadays our kids are taught this state of war had no correct and incorrect side. That only is not true. No matter how imperfect some aspects of the motives or poltical systems of the allies were, the choice was between enlightened forward looking democracies such as United kingdom and French republic, and eventually the United states of america, and an utterly retrograde Germany. for Germany to have won and controlled Europe would have been a setback of huge proportions. In "They Shall Not Abound Old," Peter Jackson actually brings the WWI Tommy to life with a nod to the professional British veteran solder at the first of the war that was worth 10 German soldiers, to the entire generation of young, including very immature solders that were the second echelon into the state of war merely did the majority of the fighting. The colorization and dubbing create a reality and presences that is in sharp contrast from the heretofore abstract and distant blackness and white soundless film clips that take until now have filtered and made that war less visceral, and less human being Bluntly not since Ken Burns "Civil War" has there been such innovation in war documentary

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viii /10

Nib's Reviews For Short Attention Spans

This, simply put, is an astonishing flick that everyone should exist required to see. Peter Jackson has miraculously restored Earth War I film footage and colorized it. That is the least of the accomplishments here. In that location are over 50 dissimilar soldiers from Britan, England, Canada, New Zealand & Australia that were recorded around 1914 who share their stories of what nosotros are seeing unfold on the screen. It starts out with the drafting of men every bit young every bit 16 years old, to the climax of the final rush to the High german trenches & spinous wire during the concluding battle of the war. Much credit is given to the empathy that the English troops showed toward their captured German counterparts, every bit neither party wanted to be involved in this slaughter. Over ane one thousand thousand English soldiers lost their lives in this war. The storytellers range in their emotions of existence in the war from elated, to workmanlike, and sometimes feeling guilty to have taken a life they felt they didn't need to. This is a peak notch transportation back over i hundred years to a fourth dimension about of united states of america don't even think well-nigh, let lone want to acquire near. "They Shall Not Grow Erstwhile" shows that at that place is still much left to report and acquire from these ghosts. Nosotros're lucky Mr. Jackson came along to help preserve the fading heroes of our past.

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10 /ten

Should be compulsory in schools

This movie fabricated me call up nearly my life in an entirely dissimilar context. Information technology made me realise how incredibly fortunate I am to be able to switch the heating on when information technology gets a chip common cold, or climb into bed afterward a long mean solar day at piece of work. Boys, pretending to exist former enough so they could fight for our freedom? It makes me cringe at the way we live our lives today. Truly dauntless men and we should exist forever thankful. A great tribute by Peter Jackson.

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8 /ten

A mixed handbag with some wonderful things in it

This movie is definitely a mixed pocketbook of expert and less adept things, but the practiced very definitely outweigh the less proficient.

To begin with, for me the all-time role of the picture was very definitely Jackson's explanation of how and why he made this documentary. It comes at the end, afterward all the credits - and, at least when I saw it today, afterwards almost everyone has left the theater - and that is a GREAT shame. Jackson is an intelligent and very knowledgeable, as well every bit a very small-scale and engaging, man, at to the lowest degree in his 20+ infinitesimal explanation, and I institute it and him thoroughly fascinating. He explained, somewhat like Ken Burns, that his goal was to present the war every bit it was experienced by the common (British) soldier, rather than to explain battle strategies, treaties, etc. - i.e., the sort of affair we got in war documentaries earlier Ken Burns. That his picture show does very well. Information technology likewise turns out that Jackson has been collecting things related to World War I for years, and knows a lot virtually it. I suspect that that is why the British War Museum asked him to create something out of their Earth State of war I film footage. He was far from a random selection.

Jackson also explains/shows how he and his coiffure were able to make some of the 100 hours of Globe State of war I film footage come back to life. That, too, was very interesting, considering he and his crew took the time to do a very accurate chore of it, including the colorization. The results definitely benefit from their meticulous efforts. (I would accept appreciated this even more in the movie if we had been able to see Jackson'south talk first, but I suppose his producers felt that the audience wouldn't want to sit down through a lecture before a picture. I recall that was selling audiences short. After all, simply history buffs are going to encounter this moving-picture show.)

Too fascinating was the work washed to remain faithful to English regional accents when certain parts of originally silent movie footage was dubbed. I suspect that volition exist lost on near American viewers who can't distinguish one regional British accent from another - it was certainly lost on me.

In fact, for me, the accents were sometimes a real trouble when they ran over a lot of background dissonance. This was especially the case for me during the long - for me too long - boxing sequence near the end of the picture show. Jackson used snippets from 600 hours of sound interviews recorded by the BBC after World War I to attempt to convey what information technology was like to be in the trenches during the battle of the Somme. It was a prissy idea in principle, but I could not make out some of what was said, considering the accents were as well think and the background sound too loud.

I also didn't care for the 3-D effect, and would recommend seeing this motion picture in 2-D.

Merely I would very definitely recommend seeing this film. Not so much to Earth War I buffs, who probably won't acquire a lot new here. But rather to those interested in documentaries almost eras before our own, specially since the invention of the camera, to see one arroyo, and one prepare of techniques, that tin be used to make them come live.


I went back today to meet the movie again, this time in 2-D. A few added comments.

First, as I doubtable, this movie is much meliorate in 2-D than 3-D. 3-D can exist fun when a movie is originally shot that way, merely turning what was originally shot in ii-D into 3-D looks imitation, and that is truthful in this instance too.

2d, I appreciated the work done on restoring the 100-year-old silent films MUCH more this fourth dimension, because yesterday I saw Peter Jackson's xxx-infinitesimal explanation of what they did to bring it most. It reinforces what I wrote in a higher place: his remarks should be watched Earlier the movie, not after it.

Third, even on a 2d viewing-hearing, the snippets from the radio interviews become very hard to hear during the battle scenes, in role because my American ear is non accustomed to some of the English language accents, in role because the battle sounds are also loud - or the interview snippets not loud enough.

4th, I yet call back the boxing runs on too long for what there is to evidence and say. Jackson has to employ the same footage more than than once, and that becomes very obvious.

But again, I strongly recommend this motion picture to those who desire to run across what can be washed to make old video footage more interesting to the general public.

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9 /10

Re-thinking the State of war

A deep and moving eulogy to the brave, persevering souls that laboured for our gain in the beginning Earth War (1914-1918). In this fittingly sombre piece, delivered on the centennary of the "state of war to end all wars" by the talented Sir Peter Jackson, nosotros are introduced to the motions of a soldier in his daily life on the front end. Nosotros are given a glimpse of the war - not from a bird's eye perspective, but side by side with the men who lived and died on the battlefields of France. The documentary never shies away from the more grisly elements, as we witness everything from the ubiquitous apple-plum jam the soldiers spread on their bread to the dangers they faced only relieving themselves. This strenuous documentary affords the states in our mod age of ease, comfort and comparative wealth, the opportunity to gain a little greater an understanding of the horrors, the hardships, the very nightmare these young men passed through for our benefit. How little we know of true suffering.

The introduction is in the customary format we've come to await from the menses - black-and-white, with an unrealistically low frame rate. And so the screen widens, the frame rate increases, the film is saturated with color, and a full dialog and ambience track emerges to complement the now stunningly remastered 100-year-old footage. True - the quality invariably fluctuates from poor to incredible and back once again - just this is unremarkably due to digitally zooming in to capture the expressions on the servicemen's faces, and honestly the concept of obtaining actual close-ups from standard broad shots is incredible. The technology available today to moving picture-makers calls us to e'er greater heights, and information technology'southward wonderful when we utilise it for truely worthwhile and honourable purposes.

The oral accounts given by war veterans that accompany the unabridged documentary validate and inform, offering new viewpoints on the war easily disregarded. A adept guess of the spirit of a soldier in the British Army is arrived at by absorbing the data the veterans are able to provide. I tin't recollect of a more than impactful medium by which to proceeds a greater appreciation and respect for the men who fought for u.s. than of this authentic documentation of the real event! This is an experience that will forcefulness yous to sit upward and pay attention. It is a harrowing, intense documentary, brilliantly remastered for the optimal experience that and then finer renews the reality of the Great War. Lest we forget.

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9 /10

They Shall Not Grow Old

Alert: Spoilers

This documentary film was released on Armistice 24-hour interval, on the centenary (100th anniversary) of the end of the Start World War, I have heard a lot near the process in the making of this film, and so I read about the disquisitional acclaim information technology was receiving, I was most excited to lookout man information technology, directed by Peter Jackson (Braindead, Heavenly Creatures, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Male monarch Kong, The Hobbit Trilogy). The title is taken from the 1914 poem "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon, based on the line "They shall abound not old, equally we that are left abound old", famous for existence used in the Ode of Remembrance. The film uses original footage of World War I from the Imperial War Museum and BBC athenaeum, almost of it never seen earlier, from British soldiers seen being recruited and trained, to the men in the trenches and on the battlefield, until the end of the war. Information technology was thought that the war would end past Christmas 1914, memorable as the British and Germans put bated their differences and played football together, the disharmonize was officially concluded on 11 November 1918, on the eleventh hr on the eleventh day in the eleventh month, accompanied past interviews of British servicemen who fought in the conflict. It is once in the trenches that the film becomes virtually fascinating, with the footage opening into widescreen and transformed into colourised, using cut-edge applied science. In product, lip-readers have analysed dialogue spoken by the soldiers in the silent footage, and vox actors take lip-synched dialogue to bring their words to life. The restoration work is amazing, from the colouring, to the audio effects, and music by Plan 9 added, including an enjoyable extended version of the state of war song "Mademoiselle from Armentières" in the end credits. It is a staggering experience, an immersive atmosphere and realistic portrayal of "the state of war to stop all wars", from prior events, the horrors during, and the aftermath, the interview words (each formally credited in the end credits) sync well with footage playing, it does contain footage of real dead bodies which is very difficult to watch, it is virtually evocative, making you feel closer to the soldiers' bodily experiences, information technology really does bring an important function of history to life, an boggling documentary. Information technology was nominated the BAFTA for Best Documentary. Very expert!

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seven /x

Suffers From A Severe Lack Of Context, But Otherwise Pretty Stiff

Warning: Spoilers

What initially attracted me to this documentary was twofold: the involvement of Peter Jackson (ane of my favorite filmmakers), and the process of restoring onetime WWI footage. Unfortunately, very piddling (basically none) of this dr. focuses specifically on those topics, instead opting to accept the arroyo of simply running the footage and having historical interviews with WWI vets playing throughout. While that tact is good enough to be educational/entertaining in its ain right, I can't aid but experience as if there was a astringent lack of context in the background of the project.

As I said, "They Shall Non Grow One-time" ends up existence pretty much a direct bio of what an English soldier's life might have been like marching off to the trenches so experiencing the horrors inside them. The new colorized and updated footage really puts yous into the action (not like you are watching a news reel), and the interviews are indeed enlightening. That alone is enough to produce an above-average product.

The problem, at least for me, was that I wasn't exactly interested in a directly history lesson. I wanted much more regarding Jackson's personal stake in the project (not just a title bill of fare at the end stating that his grandfather served in the British Army). I wanted to know the procedure backside how they colorized and re-jiggered the old picture show for Hard disk drive purposes. In a sense, I would probably savor the "Making of They Shall Non Abound Sometime" (should 1 always be made) than the actual documentary itself!

As such, this one lands at a 7/10 stars for me. The bones material is good enough, just information technology doesn't nearly capture its potential due to completely ignoring the interesting problems behind its very cosmos.

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